Venus Legacy™ body slimming machine.
Giving our patients an advanced solution for challenging aesthetics.
The highly advanced non-invasive medical device that effectively resolves challenging face and body aesthetic needs, such as non-surgical circumferential reduction, cellulite reduction, skin tightening, and wrinkle reduction*. Treatments are comfortable with no downtime and safe for all skin types.
We understand that everyone’s body is different and will offer a tailor-made treatment program combined with recommended home care. This will effectively reduce the appearance of cellulite and help you achieve a smoother confidence.
Venus Legacy™ is clinically proven to help combat stubborn cellulite, this treatment help tackle priority areas.
What areas of the body can be treated for Cellulite?
Areas that are best for treatment include the arms, stomach, inner thigh, buttocks, and the front and thighs.
Am I suitable for this treatment?
The majority of people are suitable for cellulite reduction. We do recommend booking in a complimentary consultation to discuss your skin and ensure this treatment is right for you. This treatment cannot be performed on a pregnant woman.
Does it hurt?
You will be surprised at how pleasant and comfortable this treatment is. Likened to a warm stone massage, applicator gently applies pressure to the priority areas. You may also experience a gentle tingling feeling in the skin.
When can I expect results?
You will feel and see immediate results including skin lifting and tightening due to the contraction of collagen fibres.
How many treatments would I need to improve my cellulite and how long does each treatment take?
For maximum results, we recommend 6 to 10 treatments, with maintenance sessions every 3-6 months to help promote long lasting results. Each treatment ranges from 20-60 minutes depending on the priority area. Please understand that everyone’s body is different and we will offer a tailor-made treatment program combined with recommended home care for the most effective results.
As you get older, your body starts to produce less collagen and store more fat—eventually leading to "muffin tops", "love handles", cellulite, sagging skin, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. Venus Legacy™ uses heat to naturally boost collagen production, which tightens sagging skin, smoothens out cellulite, and makes the body look slimmer, sculpted, and more toned.
Cellulite reduction
Shrinks fat cells
Skin tightening
Lifting, toning and firming of muscles
Detoxify your body
Improved lymphatic drainage
Enhances blood circulation and oxygenation
Soften & smooth your skin
Skin rejuvenation